EfficienT transpor­tation


As more people come to our city, there won’t be enough space for everyone to drive everywhere. Therefore, to more efficiently connect complete communities, we promote alternatives to driving because they...

  • are cheaper than roads, parking, fuel, repairs, insurance, etc...

  • nurture social connections and strong neighborhoods.

  • can move more people per lane than private automobiles.

  • promote personal fitness and reduce pollution.

  • liberate people from the dependence on driving.


Safe and direct routes for people on foot or bike. Reduce crossing distances. Build sidewalks, bikeways, and cut-thru paths.

Efficient transit. Direct routes. Signal priority. Queue jumps.

Shared vehicles. Get access to the wheels you need, when you need them...but without the costs of ownership.

…but the most efficient transportation is the transportation you don’t need because you live close to the places that meet your routine needs.